Grounded Swift

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If you find a grounded Swift

If you find a grounded Swift ….Wildlife casualties are usually found by public. Their welfare depends on general awareness of the correct action to be taken when we find a wild animal in need of assistance. The correct action and where to seek further information and assistance is essential. Wild casualties require specialized treatment and really specific diets to help them recover from injuries or to be hand-reared to develop into healthy adults. If we are indeed in recover those wild casualties, the success depends on a professional knowledge on rehabilitation as on the biology of the species.A casualty may present a challenging range of clinical problems, from handling, housing or feeding to those of diagnose and treatment. Rehabilitation should be left on professionals hands, so do not attempt to care for or hand-rear wildlife yourself. In addition wildlife is often protected by special laws that make it illegal to possess a wild animal. Up to the country where we live or we found a wildlife casualty, professional wildlife rehabilitation may be on hands of rehabilitation centres run by the government, by NGOs, by charities, by licenced privates or by all of them. We are fully aware that many centres still use wrong diets when feeding insectivore species. We know that swifts are aerial feeders and consume a huge diversity of invertebrate species. There are various reasons, usually hard to understand, why these wildlife rehabilitation centres are using non-insect based diets. It is proved that these inappropriate diets may jeopardise not only the survival during the hand-rearing process or rehabilitation, but also survival once the bird is introduced back into the wild. It does not make any sense that still many of those involved professionally in wildlife rehabilitation continue to use these wrong diets when the harm outcome is known, even published. MAINTENANCE AND TRANSPORTATIONWhen a swift is found on the ground, almost always there is a cause related that requires professional intervention.Even though, some adults or fledglings may land on the ground accidentally because a bad manoeuvre due to a complex situation of the nest, a strong gust of wind, etc. A healthy swift may take off from ground if enough leeway.NEVER launch a swift into the air to help it fly! A fall could cause irreparable damage to the bird. Even though we may presume that the bird is perfectly fine because is an active adult or a grown up fledgling. In that case it worth trying placing the bird on the palm of our hand and if the bird is fine it will take off without hesitation. Please assure you do so in an open, secure and ground level area. If you have the minimum concern, let the professionals decide.The time until the swift reaches a rehabilitation centre or a carer may be critical and it is a matter of importance to keep the bird controlled and if possible provide the first aids.BOX: Place the bird in small dark box (shoes type) with air holes and non-slip floor. Absorbent kitchen paper or a towel make the place more comfortable and avoid feather dirtiness with excrements. NEVER in a bird-cage as the bars may damage the feathers.Controlled HEAT: KEEP THE BIRD WARM. The bird can be hypothermic (cold body) thus the box should be kept near a heat focus, like a reptile heat mat below the box, leaving a temperature gradient or a hot wàter bag or bottle securely apart from the bird (see the vídeo). Do not place the box on the sun. Controlled HIDRATION: Most cases birds show some level of dehydration which could be mild or extreme. Provide some drops of water (sugar water or isotonic drink) round its beak with some cloth or cotton, evere few hours until the bird is transported to a professional carer. Do NOT provide any liquid or food if the bird is shocked or convulsive. Be careful when providing the water (always just drops on the beak comisure. A wrong administration may reach the respiratory tract causing pneumonia and even death.Procure FOOD: If the bird will be transported shortly do not provide any food – Water or sugary water will maintain the bird for some hours. On the opposite, providing adequate food could be convenient. Even though, do not provide any food even the chick is begging until is not over the hypodermic condition (having a warm body). In most pet-shops insects for reptiles can be found or catching them on the field (Crickets, mealworms, flies, spiders, grasshoppers, silk warms). DO NOT PROVIDE ANY OTHER TYPE OF FOOD, YOU CAN JEOPARDIZE THE BIRD SURVIVAL.YOU CAN CONTACT US IN CASE YOU DO NOT KNOW A PROFESSIONAL OR REHABILITATION CENTRE THAT CAN TAKE CARE OF THE CASUALTITY

Gepostet von Falciot Vencejo Swift Rehabilitation am Freitag, 20. Juli 2018

Wildlife casualties are usually found by public. Their welfare depends on general awareness of the correct action to be taken when we find a wild animal in need of assistance. The correct action and where to seek further information and assistance is essential

Wild casualties require specialized treatment and really specific diets to help them recover from injuries or to be hand-reared to develop into healthy adults. If we are indeed in recover those wild casualties, the success depends on a professional knowledge on rehabilitation as on the biology of the species.

A casualty may present a challenging range of clinical problems, from handling, housing or feeding to those of diagnose and treatment. Rehabilitation should be left on professionals hands, so do not attempt to care for or hand-rear wildlife yourself. In addition wildlife is often protected by special laws that make it illegal to possess a wild animal.

Up to the country where we live or we found a wildlife casualty, professional wildlife rehabilitation may be on hands of rehabilitation centres run by the government, by NGOs, by charities, by licensed privates or by all of them.

We are fully aware that many centres still use wrong diets when feeding insectivore species. We know that swifts are aerial feeders and consume a huge diversity of invertebrate species. There are various reasons, usually hard to understand, why these wildlife rehabilitation centres are using non-insect based diets. It is proved that these inappropriate diets may jeopardise not only the survival during the hand-rearing process or rehabilitation, but also survival once the bird is introduced back into the wild. It does not make any sense that still many of those involved professionally in wildlife rehabilitation continue to use these wrong diets when the harm outcome is known, even published.


When a swift is found on the ground, almost always there is a cause related that requires professional intervention.

Even though, some adults or fledglings may land on the ground accidentally because a bad manoeuvre due to a complex situation of the nest, a strong gust of wind, etc. A healthy swift may take off from ground if enough leeway.

NEVER launch a swift into the air to help it fly! A fall could cause irreparable damage to the bird

Even though we may presume that the bird is perfectly fine because is an active adult or a grown up fledgling. In that case it worth trying placing the bird on the palm of our hand and if the bird is fine it will take off without hesitation. Please assure you do so in an open, secure and ground level area. If you have the minimum concern, let the professionals decide.

The time until the swift reaches a rehabilitation centre or a carer may be critical and it is a matter of importance to keep the bird controlled and if possible provide the first aids.

BOX: Place the bird in small dark box (shoes type) with air holes and non-slip floor. Absorbent kitchen paper or a towel make the place more comfortable and avoid feather dirtiness with excrements.

NEVER in a bird-cage as the bars may damage the feathers

Controlled HEAT: KEEP THE BIRD WARM. The bird can be hypothermic (cold body) thus the box should be kept near a heat focus, like a reptile heat mat below the box, leaving a temperature gradient or a hot wàter bag or bottle securely apart from the bird (see the vídeo). Do not place the box on the sun.

Controlled HYDRATION: Most cases birds show some level of dehydration which could be mild or extreme. Provide some drops of water (sugar water or isotonic drink) round its beak with some cloth or cotton, every few hours until the bird is transported to a professional carer. Do NOT provide any liquid or food if the bird is shocked or convulsive. Be careful when providing the water (always just drops on the beak comisure. A wrong administration may reach the respiratory tract causing pneumonia and even death.

FOOD: If the bird will be transported shortly do not provide any food – Water or sugary water will maintain the bird for some hours. On the opposite, providing adequate food could be convenient. Even though, do not provide any food even the chick is begging until is not over the hypodermic condition (having a warm body). In most pet-shops insects for reptiles can be found or catching them on the field (Crickets, mealworms, flies, spiders, grasshoppers, silk warms). DO NOT PROVIDE ANY OTHER TYPE OF FOOD, YOU CAN JEOPARDIZE THE BIRD SURVIVAL.


Texto de la diapositiva:

– Gotas de agua (con azúcar).

– Una caja de cartón con orificios para respirar y papel absorbente en el fondo, situada en un ambiente templado y silencioso de la casa. Nunca una jaula.

– Lleva al vencejo a un centro de rehabilitación o cuidador experimentado: (, o contacta con ellos para saber cómo actuar.

– No le suministres comida sin consultar con un cuidador con experiencia. Son insectívoros estrictos. Los siguientes alimentos pueden provocarle daños irreversibles: Pan, galletas, lácteos, carne y derivados, patés, pienso de mascotas, pasta de insectívoros,… Si consigues insectos para ellos, que no sean hormigas ni orugas.


Cuando encontramos un vencejo en el suelo, casi siempre hay detrás una razón que requiere una intervención profesional. No es cierto que un vencejo sano no pueda remontar el vuelo desde el suelo, por tanto, si está en el suelo, es porque necesita ayuda.

Nunca lances al aire un vencejo encontrado en el suelo. Ponlo en la palma de tu mano en un espacio abierto, elévalo sobre tu cabeza y deja que él decida. Si no se lanza a volar, tanto él como tú necesitáis ayuda experimentada!

Bien… Si has llegado aquí, quizás tenemos un problema pero también una bella historia esté empezando…

El tiempo corre en nuestra contra, pero para los vencejos va más lento, así que no tengas prisa, no te agobies, no tomes decisiones precipitadas, lee lo que viene a continuación.


Busca una caja de cartón o de plástico, nunca una jaula (los barrotes destrozarán sus plumas), hazle agujeros para respirar, pon papel absorbente de cocina en el fondo, y deja al vencejo dentro descansando.

Pon la caja en un lugar tranquilo y templado de la casa, nunca al sol.

Si el vencejo está frío, y tu casa no es muy cálida, puedes usar una manta eléctrica o un paño caliente para darle calor, pero siempre a una temperatura moderada (como máximo la mitad de la escala del regulador térmico de la manta), y nunca pongas toda la caja sobre la fuente de calor: Deja la mitad de la caja fuera para que el polluelo decida en qué zona se encuentra mejor.


Si has encontrado al polluelo en uno de esos días de calor asfixiante, dale unas gotas de agua con azúcar o de bebida isotónica. Hazlo con sumo cuidado, usando un paño, algodón o papel empapado, o una jeringuilla, que te permita colocar una gota en la comisura de su pico y dejar que sea el polluelo quien la trague. Si intentas meter agua directamente dentro de su pico puedes encharcar sus narinas o sus vías respiratorias y provocarle una neumonía mortal.

Mantenlo tranquilo e hidratado siguiendo las indicaciones dadas anteriormente e hidratándolo cada 4 horas como te hemos contado.


Si puedes llevar al vencejo a un centro de recuperación en 24 horas (, no te preocupes por la comida, no le des nada.

Si por tus circunstancias ello no te es posible, contacta con el SEPRONA, Agentes Medioambientales, Guardia Civil, Policía Autonómica o Local, a ver si ellos pueden llevarlo.

Si no te es posible llevar al vencejo a un centro de recuperación, busca en internet o en tiendas de animales alguno de los siguientes alimentos: Tenebrios, grillos, zophoba, y aliméntalo de acuerdo a los vídeos que puedes encontrar en