Mealworm Diet – Study group
28 Common Swifts were located to this sample diet group
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Study Groups
Four study groups vere selected – 1-Rat mince (Previous season sample group) 2-Kibble (current season + sample group) 3-Cricket (Sample group) and 4-Mealworm (Sample group)
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Final fledgling weights, feather condition and flight performance on both non-insect diets, rat mince and kibble diet, were totally questionable when compared to wild-raised birds.
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Kibble Diet – Cat food based
For the 2009 season, a diet based on cat food was implemented. The formula was based on an article published in the Wildlife Rehabilitation Bulletin in the US. We…
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Literature review
Developing diets is not a simple game and may jeopardize an animal’s life in rehabilitation. An extensive literature review on insectivore diets was conducted in parallel with the well…
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Cricket Diet costs
Could Torreferrussa afford the enormous expense of a crickets diet just for swifts alone, considering the very high spending of a centre that admits over 15,000 wild animals a…
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Why not Cricket Diet ?
Mauersegler Klinik in Frankfurt is undoubtedly a reference clinic in Swift rehabilitation, with a proven optimal diet based on Cricket (Acheta domesticus).
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Alternative diets
Torreferrussa interrupted the protocol, and viable alternative proposals were analyzed. Particularly at an economic level. In that year (2008) over 1000 swifts and other insectivorous orphans were hand-reared. Last season…
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