Mealworm Diet Implementation – Great results
in 2010 The diet was implemented in all rehabilitation centres in Catalonia – CF Torreferrussa, CF Aiguamolls, CF Vallcalent. The survival results were incredible compared to previous non-insect based…
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Mealworm Diet
We can recommend the use of mealworms, as long as a supplementation regime is strictly followed.
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Mealworm vs. Cricket – costs
Mealworm is a great option for insectivore diets when the cricket’s cost is not affordable. Probably the best option is a range of different species in the insectivore diet.
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Mealworm Diet, unfounded concerns
At the time of the research, three nestlings with irreversible feather damage at arrival, were hand-reared for 20 days on the mealworm diet. Then sacrificed humanely for a hispothalogical…
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Mealworm Diet, unfounded concerns
There were concerns about the use of mealworms in hand-rearing Swifts. At the time of the research, it was proved already successful when hand-rearing Chimney Swifts. Today after 10…
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HARMFUL Non-Insect Diets
Final fledgling weights, feather condition and flight performance on both non-insect diets, rat mince and kibble diet, were highly concerning.
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Insect diets success
The results demonstrated the success of both insect diets when recovering nestlings in poor condition, even if severely emaciated, and highlighted the fact that all birds regardless of condition…
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Fledgling Weight and Survival
SURVIVAL was also analysed (sample number in yellow), Kibble diet – (Sample group + Season 2009) and Mealworm diet (Sample group + Season 2010 – when it was implemented…
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Study Groups
Sample groups were distributed among the different diets. Maximum age for sample nestlings was 24 days (fledgling age ─40 days)
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