Fluid Therapy VO

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FLUID THERAPY ORAL ADMINISTRATION Acute cases – emaciation/cachecia:•Frequent oral infusion VO (90% water + 10% Glucolyte®), few drops at the border of the beak•Subcutaneous Infusions 24-48 h., BiD (twice a day) 80% SRL + 20% Duphalyte® SQ inguinal crease (Dosage: 5% body weigh)Glucolyte® and Duphalyte® are solutions of electrolytes, vitamins (particularly B), amino-acids and dextroseElectrolytes are essential to regulate fluid balance, transport nutrients, support the muscle and nervious functions, transform food calories into energy, etcVideo 1 of 3Many orphans will be showing some level of dehydration, which can sometimes be extreme, possibly caused because they may have been lying unprotected from hot summer weather, not having eating for a long period. Whatever the degree of dehydration, fluid administration is crucial and must be done immediately, even before a complete clinical examinationFluid therapy has to be administered when the bird is warmed.The amount to be administered is calculated based on the weight of the bird. On swifts, the established dosage is 1 ml for birds between 20 and 30 grams, reducing proportion to the weight for younger chicks.Fluids are administered at a temperature of 39° C, which may help also in cases of hypothermia. Fluid administration is also essential prior to feeding the birds any solid food.Preferred administration is swifts is subcutaneously (SQ) in the inguinal crease. Spraying alcohol on the area part feathers and make easier the administration.Fluid therapy can be also administered orally (VO), although in swifts and other small birds we prevent oral administration in order to avoid risk of liquid reaching the respiratory tract. Even though, in cases where injection is not recommended, VO can be done carefully by drops round its beak.In severe condition such as emaciation and cachexia, fluid therapy is conducted for longer periods (24h -48h) with 1ml administration every 8 hours.DOSAGE:-Subcutaneous administration (SQ) -> 80% SRL (Ringer Lactate Solution), 20% Duphalyte ® (Fort Dodge Animal Health)-Oral administration (VO) -> 90% Water, 10% Glucolyte ® (Braum)The SRL is maintained at a temperature of 39 °C.Further information:http://avianmedicine.net/content/uploads/2013/03/15.pdfhttp://www.jstor.org/stable/30135210?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Gepostet von Falciot Vencejo Swift Rehabilitation am Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015


Gepostet von Falciot Vencejo Swift Rehabilitation am Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015


Gepostet von Falciot Vencejo Swift Rehabilitation am Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015



Acute cases – emaciation/cachecia:

•Frequent oral infusion VO (90% water + 10% Glucolyte®), few drops at the border of the beak

•Subcutaneous Infusions 24-48h., BiD (twice a day) 80% SRL + 20% Duphalyte® SQ inguinal crease (Dosage: 5% body weigh)

Glucolyte® and Duphalyte® are solutions of electrolytes, vitamins (particularly B), amino-acids and dextrose
Electrolytes are essential to regulate fluid balance, transport nutrients, support the muscle and nervious functions, transform food calories into energy, etc

Many orphans will be showing some level of dehydration, which can sometimes be extreme, possibly caused because they may have been lying unprotected from hot summer weather, not having eating for a long period. Whatever the degree of dehydration, fluid administration is crucial and must be done immediately, even before a complete clinical examination

Fluid therapy has to be administered when the bird is warmed.

The amount to be administered is calculated based on the weight of the bird. On swifts, the established dosage is 1 ml for birds between 20 and 30 grams, reducing proportion to the weight for younger chicks.

Fluids are administered at a temperature of 39° C, which may help also in cases of hypothermia. Fluid administration is also essential prior to feeding the birds any solid food.

Preferred administration is swifts is subcutaneously (SQ) in the inguinal crease. Spraying alcohol on the area part feathers and make easier the administration.

Fluid therapy can be also administered orally (VO), although in swifts and other small birds we prevent oral administration in order to avoid risk of liquid reaching the respiratory tract. Even though, in cases where injection is not recommended, VO can be done carefully by drops round its beak.

In severe condition such as emaciation and cachexia, fluid therapy is conducted for longer periods (24h -48h) with 1ml administration every 8 hours.


-Subcutaneous administration (SQ) -> 80% SRL (Ringer Lactate Solution), 20% Duphalyte ® (Fort Dodge Animal Health)

-Oral administration (VO) -> 90% Water, 10% Glucolyte ® (Braum)

The SRL is maintained at a temperature of 39 °C.
